Update 11.11.2024: – https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/teams-client-uninstall-script
M$ finally launched official script 8.11.2024. So there is your OFFICIAL way of doing this. Use the above.
I bet when you have been googling, you haven’t found anything worthy results that actually makes the security portals hide the classic teams. Well I made a script that is bad, I mean its bad as it really should have been Microsoft all along to fix this and not IT admins.
So this can be done with application based “install” or remediation based script.
SCCM – Application example
Detection method:
# Microsoft Teams Classic Uninstall Detection
$goRemediate = $false
$UserProfiles = Get-ChildItem "C:\Users" -Directory
$TeamsClassicFound = $false
foreach ($profile in $UserProfiles) {
$TeamsClassicPath = "$($profile.FullName)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams\current\Teams.exe"
if (Test-Path $TeamsClassicPath) {
#write-host "Teams Classic found in user profile located in $($profile.FullName), setting remediation needs to $true"
$TeamsClassicFound = $true
if (!$TeamsClassicFound) {
#write-host "No Teams Classic found." -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
# write-host "Teams Classic was found, needs to be remediated."
$goRemediate = $true
$registryPath = @(
$MachineWide = Get-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -eq "Teams Machine-Wide Installer"
$classic = Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Product WHERE Name = 'Microsoft Teams classic'"
$hkuKeys = Get-ChildItem -Path "Registry::HKEY_USERS"
foreach ($userKey in $hkuKeys) {
$teamsKeyPath = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\$($userKey.PSChildName)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Teams"
if (Test-Path $teamsKeyPath) {
# write-host "User registry still lurking, setting remediation needs to $true"
$goRemediate = $true
if ($MachineWide) {
#write-host "Still lurking: Teams Machine-Wide Installer, setting remediation needs to $true"
$goRemediate = $true
if ($classic) {
#write-host "Still lurking: Microsoft Teams Classic Installer, setting remediation needs to $true"
$goRemediate = $true
# Finding SIDs for loop
$PatternSID = 'S-1-5-\d+-\d+-\d+\-\d+\-\d+$'
# Get Username, SID, and location of ntuser.dat for all users
$ProfileList = gp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\*' | Where-Object {$_.PSChildName -match $PatternSID} |
Select @{name="SID";expression={$_.PSChildName}},
@{name="Username";expression={$_.ProfileImagePath -replace '^(.*[\\\/])', ''}}
# Get all user SIDs found in HKEY_USERS (ntuder.dat files that are loaded)
$LoadedHives = gci Registry::HKEY_USERS | ? {$_.PSChildname -match $PatternSID} | Select @{name="SID";expression={$_.PSChildName}}
# Get all users that are not currently logged
$UnloadedHives = Compare-Object $ProfileList.SID $LoadedHives.SID | Select @{name="SID";expression={$_.InputObject}}, UserHive, Username
# Loop through each profile on the machine
Foreach ($item in $ProfileList) {
IF ($item.SID -in $UnloadedHives.SID) {
reg load HKU\$($Item.SID) $($Item.UserHive) | Out-Null
# Check and potentially remove outdated Teams versions
$teamsUninstallKeys = Get-ItemProperty registry::HKEY_USERS\$($item.SID)\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Teams*
if ($teamsUninstallKeys) {
foreach ($teamsKey in $teamsUninstallKeys) {
#write-host "Teams found in user profile: $($item.Username) with version $displayVersion"
$goRemediate = $true
IF ($item.SID -in $UnloadedHives.SID) {
reg unload HKU\$($item.SID) | Out-Null
if (!$goRemediate) {
write-output "Installed."
So as you might wonder. This is reverse logic. If not found then Installed. This app is only to remove and use “INSTALL” as the logic of which is build:
So there you have the detection method and why its done weirdly.
Application install – SCCM
$logFilePath = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\IntuneManagementExtension\Logs"
function Log-Message {
param (
$timestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$timestamp - $Message"
$UserProfiles = Get-ChildItem "C:\Users" -Directory
$TeamsClassicFound = $false
foreach ($profile in $UserProfiles) {
$TeamsClassicPath = "$($profile.FullName)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams\current\Teams.exe"
if (Test-Path $TeamsClassicPath) {
Log-Message "Teams Classic found in user profile located in $($profile.FullName)"
if (!$TeamsClassicFound) {
Log-Message "No Teams Classic found."
$registryPath = @(
$MachineWide = Get-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -eq "Teams Machine-Wide Installer"
Log-Message "$($MachineWide.DisplayName) Was found in the installed applications."
$hkuKeys = Get-ChildItem -Path "Registry::HKEY_USERS"
foreach ($userKey in $hkuKeys) {
$teamsKeyPath = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\$($userKey.PSChildName)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Teams"
if (Test-Path $teamsKeyPath) {
Log-Message "User registry still lurking, setting remediation needs to true"
function Uninstall-TeamsClassic($TeamsPath) {
try {
$process = Start-Process -FilePath "$TeamsPath\Update.exe" -ArgumentList "--uninstall /s" -PassThru -Wait -ErrorAction Stop
if ($process.ExitCode -ne 0) {
Log-Message "Uninstallation failed with exit code $($process.ExitCode)."
catch {
Log-Message "Uninstallation failed: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$AllUsers = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($ENV:SystemDrive)\Users"
foreach ($User in $AllUsers) {
Log-Message "Processing user: $($User.Name)"
$localAppData = "$($ENV:SystemDrive)\Users\$($User.Name)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams"
$programData = "$($env:ProgramData)\$($User.Name)\Microsoft\Teams"
if (Test-Path "$localAppData\Current\Teams.exe") {
Log-Message "Uninstall Teams for user $($User.Name)"
Uninstall-TeamsClassic -TeamsPath $localAppData
} elseif (Test-Path "$programData\Current\Teams.exe") {
Log-Message "Uninstall Teams for user $($User.Name)"
Uninstall-TeamsClassic -TeamsPath $programData
} else {
Log-Message "Teams installation not found for user $($User.Name)"
$TeamsIcon_old = "$($ENV:SystemDrive)\Users\*\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Teams*.lnk"
Get-Item $TeamsIcon_old | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse
$registryPath = @(
$MachineWide = Get-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -eq "Teams Machine-Wide Installer"
if ($MachineWide) {
$registryKeyPath = $MachineWide.PSPath
$cleanRegistryPath = $registryKeyPath -replace "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::", "Registry::"
Remove-Item -Path $cleanRegistryPath -Recurse -Force
} else {
Log-Message "Teams Machine-Wide Installer not found in the registry."
$PatternSID = 'S-1-5-\d+-\d+-\d+\-\d+\-\d+$'
$ProfileList = Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\*' | Where-Object {$_.PSChildName -match $PatternSID} |
Select @{name="SID";expression={$_.PSChildName}},
@{name="Username";expression={$_.ProfileImagePath -replace '^(.*[\\\/])', ''}}
$LoadedHives = Get-ChildItem Registry::HKEY_USERS | Where-Object {$_.PSChildname -match $PatternSID} | Select @{name="SID";expression={$_.PSChildName}}
$UnloadedHives = Compare-Object $ProfileList.SID $LoadedHives.SID | Select @{name="SID";expression={$_.InputObject}}, UserHive, Username
function Load-Hive {
param (
$maxRetries = 2
$retryDelay = 2 # seconds
for ($attempt = 1; $attempt -le $maxRetries; $attempt++) {
try {
# Attempt to load the hive
reg load HKU\$SID $HivePath | Out-Null
Log-Message "Successfully loaded hive for SID $SID"
return $true
} catch {
Log-Message "Failed to load hive for SID $SID on attempt: $(${_}.Exception.Message)"
if ($attempt -lt $maxRetries) {
Log-Message "Retrying in $retryDelay seconds..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds $retryDelay
} else {
Log-Message "Maximum retries reached for loading hive $SID. Skipping this profile."
return $false
foreach ($item in $ProfileList) {
Log-Message "Checking $($item.Username)"
if ($item.SID -in $UnloadedHives.SID) {
Log-Message "Hive not loaded for $($item.Username). Attempting to load hive."
$hiveLoaded = Load-Hive -SID $item.SID -HivePath $item.UserHive
if (-not $hiveLoaded) {
Log-Message "Skipping user $($item.Username) due to failed hive load."
$teamsUninstallKeys = Get-ItemProperty registry::HKEY_USERS\$($item.SID)\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Teams*
if ($teamsUninstallKeys) {
foreach ($teamsKey in $teamsUninstallKeys) {
# Remove the Teams uninstall key
Remove-Item -Path "registry::HKEY_USERS\$($item.SID)\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$($teamsKey.PSChildName)" -Recurse
# Remove Teams folder from profile
if ($teamsPath) {
Remove-Item -Path $teamsPath -Recurse -Force
if ($item.SID -in $UnloadedHives.SID) {
Log-Message "Unloading hive for $($item.Username)"
reg unload HKU\$($item.SID) | Out-Null
exit 0
This to run on client that have detected that there are still hints of Legacy Teams in user profiles or in some user accounts appdata folder.
But that’s that then. Deploy with caution. This isn’t very professional way to approach this, but neither was Microsoft’s approach to deploy new teams and not do anything for legacy Teams.
Intune Remediation
Discovery script:
# Microsoft Teams Classic Uninstall Detection
$goRemediate = $false
$UserProfiles = Get-ChildItem "C:\Users" -Directory
$TeamsClassicFound = $false
foreach ($profile in $UserProfiles) {
$TeamsClassicPath = "$($profile.FullName)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams\current\Teams.exe"
if (Test-Path $TeamsClassicPath) {
#write-host "Teams Classic found in user profile located in $($profile.FullName), setting remediation needs to $true"
$TeamsClassicFound = $true
if (!$TeamsClassicFound) {
#write-host "No Teams Classic found." -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
# write-host "Teams Classic was found, needs to be remediated."
$goRemediate = $true
$registryPath = @(
$MachineWide = Get-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -eq "Teams Machine-Wide Installer"
$classic = Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Product WHERE Name = 'Microsoft Teams classic'"
$hkuKeys = Get-ChildItem -Path "Registry::HKEY_USERS"
foreach ($userKey in $hkuKeys) {
$teamsKeyPath = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\$($userKey.PSChildName)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Teams"
if (Test-Path $teamsKeyPath) {
# write-host "User registry still lurking, setting remediation needs to $true"
$goRemediate = $true
if ($MachineWide) {
#write-host "Still lurking: Teams Machine-Wide Installer, setting remediation needs to $true"
$goRemediate = $true
if ($classic) {
#write-host "Still lurking: Microsoft Teams Classic Installer, setting remediation needs to $true"
$goRemediate = $true
# Define minimum acceptable version (replace with your desired version)
$minVersion = ""
# Finding SIDs for loop
$PatternSID = 'S-1-5-\d+-\d+-\d+\-\d+\-\d+$'
# Get Username, SID, and location of ntuser.dat for all users
$ProfileList = gp 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\*' | Where-Object {$_.PSChildName -match $PatternSID} |
Select @{name="SID";expression={$_.PSChildName}},
@{name="Username";expression={$_.ProfileImagePath -replace '^(.*[\\\/])', ''}}
# Get all user SIDs found in HKEY_USERS (ntuder.dat files that are loaded)
$LoadedHives = gci Registry::HKEY_USERS | ? {$_.PSChildname -match $PatternSID} | Select @{name="SID";expression={$_.PSChildName}}
# Get all users that are not currently logged
$UnloadedHives = Compare-Object $ProfileList.SID $LoadedHives.SID | Select @{name="SID";expression={$_.InputObject}}, UserHive, Username
# Loop through each profile on the machine
Foreach ($item in $ProfileList) {
IF ($item.SID -in $UnloadedHives.SID) {
reg load HKU\$($Item.SID) $($Item.UserHive) | Out-Null
# Check and potentially remove outdated Teams versions
$teamsUninstallKeys = Get-ItemProperty registry::HKEY_USERS\$($item.SID)\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Teams*
if ($teamsUninstallKeys) {
foreach ($teamsKey in $teamsUninstallKeys) {
$displayVersion = $teamsKey.DisplayVersion
if ($displayVersion -lt $minVersion) {
#write-host "Teams found in user profile: $($item.Username) with version $displayVersion"
$goRemediate = $true
IF ($item.SID -in $UnloadedHives.SID) {
reg unload HKU\$($item.SID) | Out-Null
if (!$goRemediate) {
write-output "Installed."
if ($goRemediate) {
write-host "Issues detected. Proceeding with remediation."
exit 1
} else {
write-host "No issues detected. No remediation needed."
exit 0
$logFilePath = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\IntuneManagementExtension\Logs"
function Log-Message {
param (
$timestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value "$timestamp - $Message"
$UserProfiles = Get-ChildItem "C:\Users" -Directory
$TeamsClassicFound = $false
foreach ($profile in $UserProfiles) {
$TeamsClassicPath = "$($profile.FullName)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams\current\Teams.exe"
if (Test-Path $TeamsClassicPath) {
Log-Message "Teams Classic found in user profile located in $($profile.FullName)"
if (!$TeamsClassicFound) {
Log-Message "No Teams Classic found."
$registryPath = @(
$MachineWide = Get-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -eq "Teams Machine-Wide Installer"
Log-Message "$($MachineWide.DisplayName) Was found in the installed applications."
$hkuKeys = Get-ChildItem -Path "Registry::HKEY_USERS"
foreach ($userKey in $hkuKeys) {
$teamsKeyPath = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\$($userKey.PSChildName)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Teams"
if (Test-Path $teamsKeyPath) {
Log-Message "User registry still lurking, setting remediation needs to true"
function Uninstall-TeamsClassic($TeamsPath) {
try {
$process = Start-Process -FilePath "$TeamsPath\Update.exe" -ArgumentList "--uninstall /s" -PassThru -Wait -ErrorAction Stop
if ($process.ExitCode -ne 0) {
Log-Message "Uninstallation failed with exit code $($process.ExitCode)."
catch {
Log-Message "Uninstallation failed: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$AllUsers = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($ENV:SystemDrive)\Users"
foreach ($User in $AllUsers) {
Log-Message "Processing user: $($User.Name)"
$localAppData = "$($ENV:SystemDrive)\Users\$($User.Name)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams"
$programData = "$($env:ProgramData)\$($User.Name)\Microsoft\Teams"
if (Test-Path "$localAppData\Current\Teams.exe") {
Log-Message "Uninstall Teams for user $($User.Name)"
Uninstall-TeamsClassic -TeamsPath $localAppData
} elseif (Test-Path "$programData\Current\Teams.exe") {
Log-Message "Uninstall Teams for user $($User.Name)"
Uninstall-TeamsClassic -TeamsPath $programData
} else {
Log-Message "Teams installation not found for user $($User.Name)"
$TeamsIcon_old = "$($ENV:SystemDrive)\Users\*\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Teams*.lnk"
Get-Item $TeamsIcon_old | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse
$registryPath = @(
$MachineWide = Get-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -eq "Teams Machine-Wide Installer"
if ($MachineWide) {
$registryKeyPath = $MachineWide.PSPath
$cleanRegistryPath = $registryKeyPath -replace "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\Registry::", "Registry::"
Remove-Item -Path $cleanRegistryPath -Recurse -Force
} else {
Log-Message "Teams Machine-Wide Installer not found in the registry."
$PatternSID = 'S-1-5-\d+-\d+-\d+\-\d+\-\d+$'
$ProfileList = Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\*' | Where-Object {$_.PSChildName -match $PatternSID} |
Select @{name="SID";expression={$_.PSChildName}},
@{name="Username";expression={$_.ProfileImagePath -replace '^(.*[\\\/])', ''}}
$LoadedHives = Get-ChildItem Registry::HKEY_USERS | Where-Object {$_.PSChildname -match $PatternSID} | Select @{name="SID";expression={$_.PSChildName}}
$UnloadedHives = Compare-Object $ProfileList.SID $LoadedHives.SID | Select @{name="SID";expression={$_.InputObject}}, UserHive, Username
function Load-Hive {
param (
$maxRetries = 2
$retryDelay = 2 # seconds
for ($attempt = 1; $attempt -le $maxRetries; $attempt++) {
try {
# Attempt to load the hive
reg load HKU\$SID $HivePath | Out-Null
Log-Message "Successfully loaded hive for SID $SID"
return $true
} catch {
Log-Message "Failed to load hive for SID $SID on attempt: $(${_}.Exception.Message)"
if ($attempt -lt $maxRetries) {
Log-Message "Retrying in $retryDelay seconds..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds $retryDelay
} else {
Log-Message "Maximum retries reached for loading hive $SID. Skipping this profile."
return $false
foreach ($item in $ProfileList) {
Log-Message "Checking $($item.Username)"
if ($item.SID -in $UnloadedHives.SID) {
Log-Message "Hive not loaded for $($item.Username). Attempting to load hive."
$hiveLoaded = Load-Hive -SID $item.SID -HivePath $item.UserHive
if (-not $hiveLoaded) {
Log-Message "Skipping user $($item.Username) due to failed hive load."
$teamsUninstallKeys = Get-ItemProperty registry::HKEY_USERS\$($item.SID)\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Teams*
if ($teamsUninstallKeys) {
foreach ($teamsKey in $teamsUninstallKeys) {
# Remove the Teams uninstall key
Remove-Item -Path "registry::HKEY_USERS\$($item.SID)\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$($teamsKey.PSChildName)" -Recurse
# Remove Teams folder from profile
if ($teamsPath) {
Remove-Item -Path $teamsPath -Recurse -Force
if ($item.SID -in $UnloadedHives.SID) {
Log-Message "Unloading hive for $($item.Username)"
reg unload HKU\$($item.SID) | Out-Null
exit 0
That’s that then. Try and be careful. Do not deploy to all computers at once.
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